Shipping Policy

We deliver worldwide.

Please note that in certain cases the logistics time would be affected by different situations for different countries. We appreciate your understanding of different situations out of the courier's control like customs clearance time at the moment customs has a bit of a backlog, airlines are dealing with sudden change schedules.

Delivery can take between 7 to 30 working days from the day you paid for it.

We do not have our own delivery service. We use courier companies; therefore, we have no control of the logistics.

We deliver using standard delivery; therefore, we do not have detail tracking. We do have insurance and guarantee and we are told when the package has been shipped and when it has been delivered. Please wait with patience. Your package is normally shipped within the first 5 days after you paid.


Shipping times vary due to:

  • The size and weight of the item.
  • Which warehouse the item is being shipped from.
  • Which shipping carrier is used. We always try to use the fastest carrier for each order.

Estimated shipping time to the USA: 7 to 30 days
Shipping Options :

Shipping Type

Delivery Time


Paid Shipping

7-30 Days
